Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Born to Run

This is a picture of John Landy.  Landy was one of the three major contenders trying to be the first to break the 4-minute mile in the 1950's.  
Granted, Roger Bannister was the first one to break the barrier,  but I loved Landy's work ethic.  He ran as hard as he could every time he ran.  (For a great read about this, check out Neal Bascomb's "The Perfect Mile".)
In exactly one month - in honor of my 40th birthday - I will be participating in my first 5K.  I'm not going to lie, I am scared to death.  I don't feel ready for this at all, and I really don't want to walk the entire thing.  (Not saying that walking a 5K is a bad thing, but I have certain goals and walking the 5K isn't one of them.)
Since my exercise time is limited with school, work, family, etc. I will postpone my weights, boxing, etc. for the next month and do my very best to focus on my running.  (Loosely based on C25K.)
Any suggestions that you may have to help me prepare for this big day (from workout to diet to pre-run to post-run) I would love to hear it.
Thank you for your support!

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