Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Will Do This

On July 25, 2011 I made the decision to change my lifestyle.  
Well, the decision came a few days before that.  July 25 was the day I had set to start the journey.  (After a long weekend of "feasting for the famine" with my soon-to-be-famous pulled pork, cole slaw, BBQ beans and all the Henry Weinhard Cream Soda I could drink.) 
As I was writing out my goals, I decided that my first real goal - besides walking more than between the computer and the bathroom - was to lose 40 pounds by my 40th birthday in February.  (From 270 pounds to 230.)
I have been on diets many times over the years, and the most I've ever lost was at one time was 25 pounds.  And that was only because I was getting paid to lose weight.  (I was doing endorsements for a company on the radio.)  
I admit, I was a little skeptical.  Not that I didn't think I could do it, but more because I was skeptical that I would do it.  Sure, I can work-out daily and watch what I eat, but will I?
I started out with much enthusiasm.  I was walking, lifting weights, doing crunches and push-ups. I even bought a pull-up bar knowing darn well that I have never done one pull-up in my entire life.  (Much to the chagrin of my gym teachers.) 
The weight melted off and I thought, "Nothing is going to stop me from reaching my goal.  Heck, I may even reach the 40 pounds lost mark by Christmas!"
Then my left knee said, "Not without me!" and he immediately went on strike.
My lungs followed suit, even going as far as trying to kill me by making it difficult for me to breathe.
For two weeks I sat there, waiting for the opportunity to exercise again.  Meanwhile winter was in full-force and excuses started making sense.
I decided at that point that I was running out of time.  I had 15 pounds to lose before February and I really needed to do something about it.  
I worked my tail off in December.  Not only that, but I avoided eating most of the snacks that co-workers, neighbors and family brought by.  The pounds began to come off again.  I lost five pounds in December, and started the new year sitting at exactly 240 pounds!  Ten pounds to go, with a little over a month to do it.  It would be tough, but not impossible.
On January 2, I weighed myself and I had gone up one pound.  (I blame the spinach artichoke dip my sister-in-law made for New Year's.  I couldn't stop eating the stuff.)  
I was depressed.  Even though it was only one pound, it felt like the difference of climbing a hill and climbing Everest.  I figured I would do my best and get as close to my goal as I can, but not to beat myself up if I didn't lose all of it.
Once again, I worked out religiously, ate the right foods, drank water like a fish and my goal seemed to be within reach again.
I sit here today at 232, two pounds away from my goal.  I have the rest of this week and all of next to get rid of these two pounds.  It seems like a daunting task, even though it's only two little pounds, but I am up for the challenge.  
I can do this!  
I will do this! 


  1. I know you will do it!! YOu have done an amazing job so far!!

  2. Amazing! I am so proud of you, but more importantly, I hope you are proud of yourself! Way to go Tay!


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