Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Can Do This

I have a love/hate relationship with exercise.  I love the way I feel when I exercise, but I hate doing it.
Well, maybe I don't hate it.  Let's just say that if exercise were a movie, I wouldn't rush out to see it in theaters.  I would most likely wait until it was on Redbox.  
Perhaps, get it for free at my local libary.
It doesn't help that my life is already packed full with family, work, school, church and community service. Too often I dismiss my exercise in the morning because I was up late doing homework or up early with a crying child or up late doing homework for a crying child.
The problem is, I have worked hard to get to where I am today to just give up.  I have lost nearly 40 pounds since July 2011 and there is no way that I am going to allow any of that weight come back.  It's gone and I haven't missed it one bit.
So today is a brand new day.  I have re-evaluated the reasons I started doing this to begin with and I have set my eye on the goal: Lose 100 pounds total.  I'm already 40% of the way there.  I can do this.
Thank you for your support. 

1 comment:

  1. You're a better person than I am. I hate the way I feel when I exercise, hence the reason why I don't like doing it.

    I'm glad you realize that you "can't" go back to where you were. Re-evaluation is so important to maintaining focus! You CAN do this!


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