Monday, February 22, 2016


I think it's fair that a lot of people go into weight loss with one of two things on their mind: 1) to look better or 2) to feel better  And neither of those are bad motivators, but it probably needs to be something a little more.  I mean, let's face it.  How long will "I want a beach body" get you to work out?  Sure, it might be motivation on January 1-13, but after a couple of weeks of walking in snow, you realize that you have PLENTY of time before summer to get moving.  Why start now?

I have thought a lot about this lately.  What truly motivates me?  Well, besides wanting to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without sucking wind.  (And when I say "flight of stairs", I mean the three stairs that lead from my garage to my house.)   Obviously, my family is a big motivator.  I would love to be there as my children get baptized, graduate from high school, go on missions, graduate from college, get married.  Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing a grandchild or ten.  I would love to celebrate my 30th, 40th and 50th anniversaries with my wife.   Yet, even with that motivation, it sometimes can't compete with my desire to wolf down a burger and fries and then not work out for a couple of weeks.

So far this year, I have worked out nearly every day except Sunday.  (I did take a day off when my knee was hurting.  I didn't want to push it.)  And to be honest, this current motivation comes from a little competition with my co-workers.  And it has worked.  In that time I have lost about 14 pounds and I have really paid attention to what I've been eating.  (Plus, my arms are getting huge.)  But what is going to happen at the end of March when this is done?  I hope that I can continue on now that I have good habits down.

The point is, you need to find your motivation and use that to get yourself out of bed in the morning.  And hey, if that's getting your body ready for summer beach time, then so be it.  Just don't give up in September when the summer ends.

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