Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm Still Alive

It's been a long time since I last wrote.

Those are usually the words that start every journal entry of my current journal.  I set a goal to write in my journal every week (my days are not exciting enough to write daily), and next thing I know it's been three months and I start the entry with, "It's been a long time since I last wrote."

Unlike that journal, though, I have a good excuse for this blog.  I have been doing homework.

The month of April was hectic with homework.  I didn't have time to sleep, let alone exercise or write on a blog.

May is not any better, quite honestly, but I thought I would just take a moment to let my readers out there (if any of you are left) that I am still alive and I am still losing weight.  (In spite of my hectic life.)

This morning I weighed 227.2 pounds.  While it's not much more than the last time I posted my weight, it is lower.

I plan on working out a schedule this term of school to be able to fit in exercise with everything else.

Anyway, that is all for now.  Please keep checking back because I will update this when I can.

Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

  1. hello and keep it up! the end is in sight, I think, right?


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