Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I'm a big believer that people can change - physically, mentally, spiritually.  Having said that, I am also aware that it's not easy to change.  Sometimes the change doesn't take the first time, or the second or the 100th.

Every day I have to wake up and talk myself into exercising.  (Although, lately, I talk myself out of it more often.)  I have to talk myself out of drinking a soda or eating a burger or eating an entire pizza.  I'm not proud of this, it's just something I have to live with every day of my life.

I've mentioned before that I am an emotional eater.  My trigger is stress, mostly.  The moment stress hits my life, I am searching for a package of crumb donuts in the vending machine.

Unfortunately, my life is all kinds of stressful right now, which doesn't help things.

I have never been a big fan of excuses, and I'm trying not to let this stress be an excuse of why I don't exercise or eat right, but it's almost becoming an uphill battle.

I hope I can come out of this soon, before too much damage has taken place.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm...., wanna join me Tuesday nights at 7:30 for a food addicts meeting? I am finding that I HAVE to turn it over to the Lord and surrender my will. I don't think I can/could do it otherwise. the address is about 7300 s. 3200 w. a brown brick church building on the west side of the street.


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