Monday, July 29, 2013

Finally, An Update

There are a lot of reasons why I haven't updated my blog for awhile.  The main one is that there is really nothing to update.  In the past two months, I have eaten too much food - most of which has been very unhealthy - and I haven't exercised nearly as much as I should.

With those two things, a whole bunch of other bad habits formed.

It all started about the time that I read an article on CNN about a lady who had lost 242 pounds.  The main point of the article is to lose weight without fanfare.  Don't tell the world that you are trying to lose weight and you will lose more weight.

As I read the article, it went against everything I believed in.  After all, how am I going to get the extra support from family and friends if I don't tell anyone?

Then I read the following line: "People are mean -- people who you would normally think would be supportive.  One friend told me she liked it better when I was the fat friend."

That line hit me hard.  I had almost the exact thing happen to me.  People that I thought would be supportive in my lifestyle changes were trying to bring me down, telling me that I was eating wrong or exercising wrong or that I was "just no fun anymore".  (NOTE: 99% of you have been great and I thank you for that.)

Plus, I felt like I was turning into THAT guy.  You know the one that is constantly posting pictures of himself holding huge pants and saying, "I lost another pound this week."

Look, I didn't start this as a "Hey, look at me!" type of thing.  I am doing this so I can get to a healthy weight so I can be around for the lives of my five children.  So I'm not leaving a wife to raising those five children on her own.  And I post it out here for the world to see because I know, from past experience, that if I don't have people kicking me in the backside on a regular basis to stay on track, I will eventually be back to my old habits, gaining even more weight than I weighed before.

I realize that I need all the support I can get.

However, I began to think that maybe there was something to this whole quietly losing weight thing.  After all, my wife had lost nearly 60 pounds after our last child without telling anyone that she was doing it.  Maybe I could do it as well.

Well, that didn't happen.

So here I am again, begging for your support.

Once again, I am not asking for you to say, "Wow, Eric.  You look fantastic!" I am looking for positive people to tell me that I can, in fact, do this.

I am looking for people who are going through similar struggles so we can help each other out.

I am looking for people to tell me that I really don't need that cheeseburger and tots.

I am asking you for your help.

Thanks in advance.

1 comment:

  1. I was noticing last Sunday how much thinner your sweet wife is. Wow. Sixty! You two are rockstars!!!! You can do it, Eric.


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